Mandatory Biodiversity Net Gain (BNG) came into force on the 12th February for large sites and will come into force for small sites on the 3rd April. We are delighted to announce Ashby Energy Assessors are able to perform BNG assessments and manage your projects through the process.
What is Biodiversity Net Gain?
The concept of BNG is an approach to ensure that once a development has been completed, the works have a measurable positive impact on the biodiversity value in the area. More specifically, as part of the planning application, developers must submit a biodiversity gain plan that demonstrates how they are planning to increase the biodiversity value of the post work site by 10% compared to the value pre-work. Once created, the enhanced habitats are required to be maintained for a minimum period of 30 years after the completion of the works.
What are the benefits of BNG?
Embracing Biodiversity Net Gain offers a wide range of benefits for both ecosystems and society. BNG supports ecosystem services vital for human well-being, including pollination, soil fertility, and water purification. Moreover, preserving and restoring natural habitats can provide recreational and aesthetic value. Increaseing biodiversity will contriibue to climate change mitigation and adaptation efforts. Healthy ecosystems act as carbon sinks, absorbing and storing carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. By enhancing biodiversity, we can strengthen these carbon sequestration services, helping to mitigate climate change
When should I consider BNG?
BNG should be considered early in the planning process as it might influence site selection and design. By establishing a biodiversity gain plan early in the process, it will also allow for relevant discussions with local planning authorities and ecology consultants, enabling the BNG planning process to run as smoothly as possible and in turn keeping costs to a minimum. This will also ensure the plan established is robust and any required feedback will not delay the planning process.
Contact for a quote
If you have any further questions or want to arrange a quote, please give us a call or fill out the 'Get a quote' section below.
We are also able to undertake other ecological surveys such as Bats and Great Crested Newts so dont hesitate to contact us
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